Jax Pavan
Jax Pavan | |
Biographical information | |
Homeworld | |
Born |
10 ATC |
Physical description | |
Species |
Human |
Gender |
Male |
Hair color |
Brown |
Eye color |
Brown |
Skin color |
Tan |
Chronological and political information | |
Affiliation |
Masters | |
Apprentices |
Jax Alister Pavan is a Human male Jedi who co-lead Task Force 414 alongside Commander Catri Niachei before the dissolution of the SIS and transfer of the squad to special forces.
Early life and smuggler work
Jax is the son of Captain Danyar Pavan of the Republic Army, who is well known for his heroic sacrifice during the Second Battle of Rhen Var in Galactic War II. At the age of 12 he was forced into working for the Hutt Cartel, doing various favors for them and later becoming a smuggler for them.
As a detective
One day in 30 ATC, he finally decided to try to leave the organization. After dropping off some cargo on Nar Shaddaa, he agreed to do one last job, and then quit. However, when he learned the job involved transporting slaves, he hesitated, which prompted the cartel representative the threaten his family, so he decided to take it. Later that night, he was asked to solved a local murder. After solving the case, he realized he missed his deadline, leaving him stuck on the smuggler's moon. Looking for work, he entered a partnership with Sam Spade as a private investigator, after the latter noticed how skillfully Jax solved the murder case. In early 33 ATC, he was hired by the Jedi Council to find Raena Tradek, a missing Padawan who was being hunted by a faction of Sith, and escort her back to Coruscant. He was able to track her down easily and meet up with her master, but the group was then attacked by Black Sun thugs hired by Darth Dunimous. Attempting to flee from the thugs, they run into the Sith Lord himself. Valen confronted him but was killed in the process. Jax and Raena escape Dunimous but end up being captured by Shotto, then-leader of the Exchange. They are taken to a slave camp on Tatooine, where they conspired with fellow slave Dedric Jones to start a rebellion and escape. Meanwhile, Dunimous followed the Padawan to the camp and attacked the Exchange forces, and the slave revolt began during the chaos, leading to a three-way showdown. The Jax and Raena were also accompanied by their overseer, Guns, who decided to defect. This clash resulted in the deaths of Shotto and Dunimous and allowed the group to escape, and Jax and Raena discovered the former's force sensitivity. However, the ship they took had been sabotaged, and they crash-landed on Taris. Guns had also fallen ill, and so they tried bring him to a medcenter. Unfortunately, they closest one they could find turned out to be inside an Imperial military base, which led to them being captured again. They narrowly escaped the Sith forces, but had to leave Guns behind. The group then arrived at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where they parted ways with Dedric.
As a Jedi Padawan
Operation: Progenitor
The Jedi council decided to promote Raena to a Jedi Knight and assigned Jax as her Padawan. They also explain Raena's true nature as a clone of Anear, a Padawan with healing abilities so strong she could even revive the recently deceased. The council gave them the task of finding Anear's holocron. For this assignment they were accompanied by then-mercenary Mira Zagara. Their first objective was to meet a contact on Nar Shaddaa, but first they decided to retrieve Guns, which led to a confrontation with the Exchage's new leader, Lotto. They came to to a compromise: the team's freedom in exchange for an HK-55 unit being placed on their ship. They then proceeded to Nar Shaddaa to meet with the contact, who told them the key to finding the holocron was on a mysterious planet in the unknown regions, and also warned Jax that he is ordered to kill Raena if she goes against the mission, which would lead to suspicion of a conspiracy against them. During a brief stop to Alzoc 3 for repairs and supplies, they end up stopping a plot to assassinate the governor and captured a Sith Assassin who had followed them. Unfortunately, their help to the planet would all be naught, as a Sith battle fleet just barely missed them and attacked the planet. They then landed on an abandoned research base on the mysterious planet to find it's been overrun by violent, force-sensitive creatures. They retrieve the artifact, but had to fight through swarms of the creatures to escape, barely getting out alive and resulting in Guns and Zagara being severely injured. After returning to Coruscant with the artifact, they find that it points to Korriban. They team is then joined by the eccentric battle droid 11-11. They attempt to infiltrate the Sith outpost near the tomb where the holocron was located, leading to a confrontation with the Sith Lords Darth Kwiatt and Darth Greg, where both met their ends. Raena then opens the holocron and promptly destroys it, only telling Jax it was not worth keeping. His master then started exhibiting strange symptoms, and discovers that a dark side entity is inside of her. The team tried to get her treated at the Sullust medical facility, but the healers their did not know what to do for her.
Hunting The Hunters
Despite this, the team presses on. Having made a deal with the Exchange for vital intelligence on Sith leaders, the Council gives them the assignment of bringing down the group of Sith Lords hunting them. The team is split into two groups, with Jax and Raena assigned to eliminate a Sith on Nal Hutta. After doing so, they find out that Guns and Zagara had failed in their objective on Balmorra, with the latter being captured. On the way to go rescue Zagara, they are attacked by Cartel assassins, who claim to be working for Master Sazaki of the Jedi Council. They then meet up with Guns and raid the Empire's command center in Balmorra's polar region. There they are able to rescue Zagara and eliminate the remaining Sith in the faction chasing them, leading the the Republic's first major victory in the war. After that, the Jedi and Zagara return to the Jedi Temple to confront Sazaki. They manage to defeat and arrest him, but before he could stand trial, the traitor was executed by Zagara on behalf of the Exchange. The group then parts ways, with Raena deciding to leave the Jedi Order, considering herself a danger. Jax decides to stay, and is reassigned to Syfas Knolenn. She trained him in advanced dueling tactics, and Jax also studied stealth techniques, choosing the path of Jedi Shadows. The two would participate in many missions assisting the military and the SIS throughout the course of the escalating war.
As a Jedi Knight
The Infected and Syfas' illness
During the initial stages of the outbreak on Coruscant, Jax helped defend the temple until he was forced to evacuate to Tython, where he was promoted to Jedi Knight in recognition of his service. Syfas, meanwhile, had disappeared. While searching for her, he also began investigating the virus that infected Coruscant, which lead him to being assigned to assist Commander Niachei in leading Task Force 414. These two investigations would intersect when Agent Damian Reyal reported being attacked by a Jedi matching Syfas' description, with her later slaughtering civilians in a spaceport. Jax would later track her down to Alderaan, and find that she has become possessed by "The Dark One". Despite this, he was able to convince her to return to Tython without either party resorting to violence. However, on the way to the ship, they were attacked by a Sith assassin who claimed to be working for someone named Szordis. This led Jax to the conclusion that Szordis was the one responsible for what happened to Syfas. Jax continued to lead TF414, and also reconnected with Guns and Zagara after they decided to once again use their resources to aid the Republic. Thanks to new research on dark side possession based on the case with Raena, Syfas was able to be cured.
A new student and a new threat
During this time, Jax was also assigned his first Padawan, Misaki Lain. At the end of their first assignment together, they were attacked by Szordis. Jax, enraged at what he thought she had done to Syfas, was tempted to kill her, but was stopped by Lain, and Szordis was instead captured and imprisoned. They also picked up another passenger, a petty thief named Ked Suno, who claimed to be on the run from the Exchange. Szordis tried to convince Jax that she was another innocent victim of mind control, but he refused to believe her, still blaming her for what happened. He would later learn the harsh truth after a mission to eliminate Sith Lords who posed a threat to TF414. He was contacted by the newly-rescued Getrik Dorzun, who revealed to Jax and Lain that he was once Darth Endecktus, and that his father Jantric, a Grand Moff, was a powerful force user the one truly pulling the strings. Shortly afterword, they were captured by the Grand Moff, having been betrayed by "Ked", who was in fact an Imperial agent. They were then taken to an unnamed planet he uses as his main base, where they witnessed his power firsthand as he drained the life out of his disciples. They were then rescued thanks to the timely arrival of Catri, Syfas, Zagara and other Republic forces.
Hunting Dorzun
Behind the Scenes
Jax is played by Rayce, and it is his first character in this continuity.