Ryann Josen
Ryann Josen | |
Biographical information | |
Homeworld |
Dromund Kaas |
Born |
17 BTC |
Physical description | |
Species |
Human |
Gender |
Male |
Hair color |
Brown |
Eye color |
Light Blue |
Skin color |
Light |
Chronological and political information | |
Affiliation |
Ryan Josen is the Human male Vice President of Czerka Corporation.
History[edit | edit source]
Born to a wealthy family in the Sith Empire, Ryann joined the Imperial Military at the age of 18 and quickly rose through the ranks due to his connections. However, a scandal in his family led to him being reassigned as the commander of a small outpost on Korriban. In 8 ATC, his outpost was visited by the rogue Jedi Anear, who wished to join the Sith Order. He was briefly killed and revived as a demonstration of her advanced healing abilities. After discovering this power, he reported it to the Dark Council and took all the credit, in attempt to advance his career. Later that same day, the base was infiltrated by Versiof, Anear's former master, and later other Jedi. A brief conflict occurred, which ultimately resulted in his surrender to the Jedi. His family, having fled to the Republic after their banishment by the Empire, bailed him out of prison and secured him a job within Czerka Corporation, where he eventually rose to a position within the Board of Directors as Vice President to Exectivus.
Behind the Scenes[edit | edit source]
Ryann is played by Rayce. He was originally an unnamed bit character who appeared in a prequel to The Runaway Saga. He would later return and be given a name in the final chapter of The SIS Files. He is named after Rian Johnson, the director of The Last Jedi, a film that was poorly received by many in the Star Wars fanbase.